How to Make Self-Care a Consistent Part of Life

I’m not going to talk about how to plan self-care or what practices to use to relax, like yoga or taking a bath, because those things are what to do after you’ve set yourself up to create consistency.

I know it’s tricky; you want to take care of yourself, but with the busyness of life, work and family, it can be hard to prioritise yourself. And as human’s we are fixed on the doingness of life, which often means we don’t take care of ourselves very well. Self-care is about setting ourselves up well to have the energy to do all we want. In essence:

Self-care is about the relationship with ourselves;
about loving ourselves.

Let’s explore three areas that need to be attended to to be consistent with self-care and make it a part of our everyday life. All of these bring us to self-love, which is when we truly begin to care for ourselves.

1. The Physical World

The physical includes our bodies and our physical environment. Caring for ourselves means creating a home that we love to come home to; it’s clean and has a place for everything. Perhaps a bedroom that feels delicious to walk into and is calm and relaxing or a living area that invites connection and reflects who we are.

Our physical is also about what we consume. Eating food that we love and nourishes our body, and exercise we enjoy. This is what self-love and self-care mean. When we do things we enjoy and create an environment we like, it’s much easier to care for ourselves.

2. Your Thoughts and Emotions

Remember, our thoughts create our reality, so we have to be vigilant about what we think and notice our feelings.

We can be mad, sad, or angry, and all emotions are great; it’s what we do with them that’s important. Part of self-care is taking the time to notice when we are annoyed with a partner, a child or a work colleague and deciding what we need to do with that.

By noticing our anxious or looping thoughts that go round and round on the same topic, if we can catch these, we won’t be controlled by the noise these thoughts make.

3. Connecting with your Spiritual self

Through our spiritual world, we can also connect to ourselves. It brings us within, creates calm and balance, and reduces the overwhelming feeling of a busy life. What is it that does that for you? Is it walking in nature, lighting a candle, journaling or a religious practice? What brings you back to your inner world rather than the outer world of doing and achieving?

We all need to disconnect regularly from the doing to refuel ourselves.

Building self-confidence

Self-love and self-confidence increase once we focus on ourselves and create healthy habits. It’s about loving ourselves through these practices, and then we can more easily give to others.

If all this sounds overwhelming, remember the key. Choose just one area to start. How about starting in your bedroom? Make it a space you love to be in. Go well.

Want support with making your self-care consistent this year?
Join us for Flourishing in 2025 21-Day Challenge starting February 13th!


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