
Thoughts and musings for when you need them

Sure, there are practical tips and guides in this blog. But it’s also a small place on the internet to come when you’re looking for a way to light your passion, and find purpose with a bit of joy.

Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

How To Find Fulfilling Work That Gives You Purpose

Finding the right fit in work and life

For some of us, finding the right fit for work and life takes a while.

I was undoubtedly one of those. I did want to be a teacher from a young age, but I was always unsettled and looking over the fence about what else I could do. I just always felt dissatisfied.

It took me a long time to work out what I needed to be fulfilled.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

How to Make Self-Care a Consistent Part of Life

Self-care is about the relationship with ourselves; about loving ourselves.

Let’s explore three areas that need to be attended to to be consistent with self-care and make it a part of our everyday life. All of these bring us to self-love, which is when we truly begin to care for ourselves.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Goals and Intentions: Setting Your Head and Heart on the Right Path

I'll tell you upfront: I'm not the kind of Life Coach who believes in words to set goals

like Let's Smash Our Goals or Create Goals that will blow your mind - you get my

drift. I don't think that way is all that authentic. It might be exciting at that moment,

but it's unlikely to have the longevity we need to sustain us in achieving our goals.

Choosing goals that come from our hearts will bring joy to our lives and motivate us.

I think it's a much gentler approach, but it doesn't need to be any less ambitious.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

How to Set Boundaries at Christmas

Christmas Day and the holidays can be a joyous time, but it is also tricky if your idea of Christmas differs from others within your family or social world. In this blog, I've set out practical examples of what to say when you come up against a situation where you want to do something differently or speak up for what you want. Of course, you can adapt the language to what is comfortable for you.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Procrastination and the Struggle of Overwhelm: Why We Avoid What Truly Fulfils Us

Can you imagine for a minute, if you didn't procrastinate, what

you would be doing in your life?

What would you do differently?

We've all been there, staring at a to-do list that seems to grow longer by the minute, feeling like there's no way to tackle it all. Then, overwhelm takes over, and Procrastination follows closely behind. But the surprising thing is, it's not just the mundane tasks we put off. We often procrastinate on the things that could bring us joy and fulfilment.

Why do we delay doing the things that could make us happier, more fulfilled, or even more successful? Well our deeper emotions, like fear, have a lot to do with it.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

How Trusting My Intuition Led to a Delicious Meal

Do you find that sometimes you dismiss a thought you have about something you should do, and then the thing happens that you thought of, and you kick yourself for not acting on the thought?

You know your mum calls and says the Doctor said she needs to take vitamin D, and you realise you had that intuitive thought 3 months ago that she might need it.

Or you have a feeling during the day that your child isn't well, and then the school calls to say precisely that.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

How the heck do I find out what I'm passionate about?

"I would rather die of passion than of boredom!"

- Vincent van Gogh

Yes to that Vincent! But first, we need to make sure we know what our passions are! Let's start here.

What is the difference between interests and passions?

I see a lot of people who think they don't have any passions. The first thing we do together is work out their interests and what might be a passion from them.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Embracing Change: A Journey to Self-Improvement

Many of us resist change, clinging to the familiar and comfortable. But change is essential for growth and self-improvement. It’s about evolving, adapting, and becoming the best version of ourselves. This blog explores what change means and offers insights and practical tips to help you navigate your journey.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Accepting ALL of our emotions can make us happier

In our busy modern world, we can often push away emotions we don’t have time for. Emotions such as overwhelm, fear, sadness, and loneliness. Often, we don’t allow ourselves to feel the full bite of them. If we did engage fully, from my own experience, which I will share shortly, the return to balance could be achieved more quickly and with less angst.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Improving your self-worth through setting boundaries

Have you felt frustrated or annoyed in relationships because you keep doing things you don't want to do? Is it difficult to ask for a raise or time off from work? Are you constantly putting others first and feeling resentful when you don't have time for yourself or the things you enjoy?

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Women, Change &  Menopause

I’m talking about change in this blog. I want to acknowledge the enormous changes women go through in mid-life. The stirring for change is not just with careers or yearning for a new purpose but the changes that occur with Menopause simultaneously. And I have to say women are amazing with all they have to deal with at this time!

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Why do we procrastinate when it makes us feel bad?

Do you find it makes you feel bad when you procrastinate? Strange isn't it that we avoid doing stuff, but we feel guilty and anxious when we don’t get things done, yet we still avoid it.

Procrastination can get in the way of achieving everyday tasks and our goals at any time of the year. With this fantastic weather in Auckland this summer and several short weeks, I certainly get distracted and don't feel in the flow of my usual routine.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

What I learned from achieving a dream

I'm feeling incredibly satisfied. After more than two years of work, I have fully completed the 3 courses I set out to create. The topics are Mastering Procrastination, Mastering Boundaries and Living Life with Purpose and Passion. To give you an idea of how big this has been, each course has 6 lessons and 4 to 6 topics within the lessons. Plus, at least one video for each lesson, teaching tools and providing tips.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

How to discover your Passions and how that will lead you to your Purpose

We can coast through life without a coherent reason for being. With a niggly feeling that there is something else to life, feeling a bit stuck and unmotivated. Life can drift unless we know what brings us joy and we have meaning and Purpose.

Finding Purpose has been a life's work for me, and in the process, I discovered my Purpose in helping people find theirs.

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

How I found my Purpose and how you can too

There is often a time in all our lives when we question ourselves; we're at a crossroads, feel stuck, wondering if this is it, and generally feel unfulfilled. Perhaps the children are leaving home, your job isn't meaningful, or there is a loss of some kind. Even though we might have hobbies we enjoy and friends, there is still a sense of something missing. The jigsaw of life isn't quite complete. Perhaps you're asking, "Where am I headed now?

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Allison Fisher Allison Fisher

Appreciation is a big part of who we are and how we live

When I started to write about Appreciation, I realised its importance. Appreciation can provide a foundation for living and serving others, family, friends and the community. Luckily, my husband brings me a hot lemon drink every morning. I am so appreciative of that, and it’s one of the ways he shows he cares about me.

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