Just one step

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

We are now in the first quarter of the year, and a lot is going on!  Life is busy in our daily lives, and add the constant news of COVID-19 locally, nationally, and internationally, plus all the other issues like housing affordability, and it becomes a bit much.  If we allow, this constant hum can all get overwhelming. 

I have a mantra which I say to myself when I’ve got a lot on.

“Just One Step; Just Right Now.”

These simple words help me breathe and focus on one thing at a time. I say to myself, “It can all get done, no panic, just one step right at this moment.” 

Have a look at your schedule this week -

  • Does it overwhelm you? Is it manageable?

  • Are you trying to fit too much into the week?

  • If so, what can you defer or let go of? 

Notice when you’re thinking about what needs to get done, are you using language like “I should do this” or “I must do that.” When we use should or must, it usually means we are doing something because we think we have to, or we’re doing it because someone else wants us to.  Step back a moment; is it something you want to do? Or is it something that needs to be done, and that is how it is?

Back to the news media, if you regularly feel a wee bit anxious, resentful or upset when engaging with the news media, reduce your involvement with it, or why not stop completely, just for a while!

When daily life starts to overwhelm, take a moment, breathe, believe, believe you can handle all of it, and take just one step, just right now.


You know what you want!


New Years Resolutions