Managing Uncertainty
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Albus Dumbledore
We are doing this! We can do this! But positive thinking alone won’t get us through uncertain times, we need helpful tools.
Try this: hold out both hands in front of you, palms up. Think about or visualise on one hand the uncertainty of these times, and in the other the certainty of you loving work or your family connection. This is called Holding Both and is one of the best tools I use when life gets tricky.
When holding both, you can better see that the not-so-great doesn’t outweigh the good but at the same time it doesn’t dismiss or ignore it either. This can create more of a sense of balance and it’s something you can easily do at any time. For instance, holding grief and holding life; holding the difficulties in a relationship and the joy, embracing a new baby and the hard work that goes with that. Life tends not to be one or the other it tends to be all of it, and if we can hold both, more of the grey, things can shift out of being stuck and we can feel into feeling more certain of our emotions and circumstances.
Other useful tools:
Journaling - There is loads of research now about how writing things down regularly can support and assist self-growth and a positive mindset. So why not try starting each morning writing your thoughts and feelings, then on with the day!
Just one thing - if life is challenging, do just one thing. Wash just one dish, write just one email, walk just one block and so on.
Share – we talk about covid a lot but are you sharing how you’re feeling? For example, are you sharing your concern about still having to work from home or sharing about your children going to school and wearing masks? Are you honestly sharing your fears and anxieties? If not, reach out to your besties.
Affirm – pause once a day and affirm yourself. Speak to yourself like your best friend “You’re doing okay’’; “you’ve got this’’; “We’re muddling through the best we can”. What could you say to support and reassure yourself each day?
Acceptance – After two years of uncertainty, I think most of us have accepted where life is at, but a reminder to accept what you can’t control and focus on what you can.
And if all else fails each day, do one thing that makes you smile, just one.
Take Care Now,