Things to do list looking good, and I’m on track! Well, so I thought. Actioned a couple of things, then switched to Instagram and here I go again; I’m procrastinating!
So why do we procrastinate?
It’s a normal part of all our lives, and we all do it. Procrastination occurs with simple things like putting out the rubbish and answering an email to bigger things like completing a work report or cleaning the windows.
It can have a massive impact on our daily lives. We not only beat ourselves up and get grumpy for procrastinating but those around us might get annoyed with us for not delivering on a deadline or getting things done around the home.
The good news is it is okay to procrastinate! Sometimes we just need longer to do something or need time and space to let those creative juices flow.
So why do we avoid and put things off? Solutions to Procrastination are both personal and collective. Meaning for individuals, there will be specific reasons for Procrastination, and then there will be common themes that many of us share.
If only there was just one answer to this question, and then we would all be incredibly efficient and focused!
If you are interested in learning the skills and tools to help overcome procrastination, check out our upcoming workshop starting September 7th.