Learn how to say yes to yourself & no to everyone else
It’s time to regain your power!
Wouldn’t knowing how to communicate what you feel, think, and need to others be wonderful?
It’s crazy that as adults, we have forgotten the power of a positive no and how to set great boundaries around our lives. Some of us don’t know what we want to do because we’ve spent so much time doing what everyone else wants.
You know you can be more…..
You’ve felt frustrated or annoyed in relationships because you keep doing things you don’t want to do.
It’s difficult to ask for a raise or time off from work. At times, you feel unseen or unheard, and maybe not respected.
At home, sometimes you feel like you never have things your way. You’re constantly putting others first and feeling resentful when you don’t have time for yourself or the things you enjoy.
It’s time to find your worth and know how to stand up for yourself!
Find your voice
You’ve been the taxi, the yes person, and stayed silent when you know you should have spoken up or simply said no. For some of us, this shows up in our bodies; we’re tired and exhausted and don’t know how to fix it.
Learn to speak your mind with confidence
Have positive relationships with respect from others
Let your friends and loved ones know who you truly are
Create a balance between being a helper and saying no
At work, speak up about what is important to you
You have value – it’s time to own it!
“I went into this course really unsure of what boundaries were and how they could be applied to my life in a productive and beneficial way. 4 weeks of well thought out sub-topics has given me the relevant understanding and tools to confidently adopt and embrace boundaries in a way personal to me. Definitely recommended”.
Sarah, Mount Eden.
It’s time to regain your power!
Investment: $497
Mastering Boundaries
This 6 lesson online course is for those who struggle to speak up, who want to regain their power, and who want to show more of who they are and what they care about.
You will receive a weekly lesson and be taken on a journey to build your confidence to create and maintain healthy relationships. You will learn how to clearly communicate your yes and no, stand up for yourself, and start to work out what you really want your life to be.
Learning to communicate what you feel, think, and need to others is an important life skill. It’s not about putting more rules in your life but about making conscious choices about what you value.
Course Material
Lesson 1
Learn what are healthy boundaries and unhealthy boundaries whether at work, at home or out in the world.
Lesson 2
Understand which boundaries are important to you and how to set and maintain them for yourself and others.
Lesson 3
Gain a deeper understanding of how your past has influenced how you react and the impact on your relationships work and some don't. Understand how your beliefs get in the way, and how to stop the people pleasing.
Lesson 4
Learn what to say and how to say it, including how to say no! You will understand what is important in relationships to you and what gets in the way of creating good relationships and being able to speak up. Learn the 6 keys to boundaries.
Lesson 5
Discover how mindset influences your ability to speak up and how to improve your mindset.
Plus how to set self-boundaries and maintain them.
Lesson 6
Acknowledge your progress, celebrate your success, and set yourself up with intentions and goals going forward.
From this course, you will come away with a stronger sense of self and what you stand for.

“Allison’s exploration of Boundaries looks not only at why they’re important but also why they’re sometimes hard to establish and maintain. In this course, I’ve learned so much about myself and how old habits and instincts can actually cause me harm if I’m not careful.
Being able to use boundaries to protect and support myself gives me the room to grow and learn. It validates me and my curiosity, casting light on people-pleasing and my critical inner voice. I now feel able to ‘stop and consider’ before responding with intention - previously I just felt compelled to react”.
- NH Laingholm
How do we do it?
Online learning with an easy-to-use system
Step-by-step lessons that arrive weekly, with online video tutorials
Downloadable PDF activities
To support you a monthly live Q&A with me, Allison Fisher, your Coach.
Private Facebook group just for this course.
In summary, it is a self-study course with loads of support!
By the way, to be empowered and live our true selves means to speak up (scary as that is) for what is important to us and set boundaries.
When we do this, we are in control of how people behave toward us and we set the agenda on how we want to live.