Helpful Resources
Practical, and ready to go
Free resources to support you on your journey
No matter where you are on your journey, these resources are the perfect stepping stone to help you on your way!
Simply download what you need and get started; with these tools at your fingertips you’ll be ready to move forward with confidence!
Daily self-care planner
Struggling to take care of yourself? Use this sheet on a daily basis to prioritise what is important to you and create a positive mindset.
Tools for getting stuff done
We all struggle at times to complete tasks so here is a very simple technique to get stuff done.
How happy are you with your life?
Sometimes, we need to check in with ourselves to find out what areas in life we are happy with or if something needs to change.
Questioning your career direction
If you are struggling with your work right now, unsettled or unsure of your direction, here are some practical key questions to uncover what’s happening.
Career development
How do you stand out from the crowd when trying to find work? To find out your top character strengths, visit Via Character.
How fulfilling is your life? Take the Test.
On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Strongly Disagree”, 3 being “Neutral” and 5 being “Strongly Agree”, rate your responses to the following questions:
In most ways, my life is close to my ideal.
So far, I have achieved the most important things I want in life.
If I could live my life over, I wouldn’t want to change much at all.
My finances are in good shape.
I’m physically fit and healthy.
I feel a sense of emotional and spiritual well-being.
I make sure I regularly take time out for rest and relaxation.
I manage work-life balance issues well.
Overall, I’m happy with the relationships within my family.
Overall, I’m happy with my relationships with my friends.
I have a well-developed social life.
I have hobbies and interests that stimulate me.
I make a point of always learning new things.
I make use of my talents.
I’m happy in my career.
I have a sense of ownership and pride in my job.
I feel respected and appreciated at work.
Overall, I’m happy with my relationships with my colleagues.
I have action-plans for both my career path and life in general, outlining the medium- to long-term future.
Your Results
Score mostly 1s and 2s?
You’re pretty unhappy, right? Coaching will definitely allow you to re-evaluate your life from every angle and create a clear action-plan for a fulfilling future.
Score mostly 2s to 3s?
You’re probably suffering from some niggling dissatisfactions. Life isn’t too bad, but you’re not leaping out of bed every morning with joy, either. Coaching can help you clarify your direction and get more out of life.
Score mostly 3s and 4s?
Life’s pretty upbeat. Most of your friends think you’re happy enough. Nonetheless, you could definitely benefit from re-prioritising aspects of your life and setting new goals to maximise your happiness.
Score mostly 4s and 5s?
Congratulations! Your life is in great shape! Keep doing what you’re doing, but if you need a professional, supportive sounding board to keep you on track to your goals, call me!