Is my job a 10?

Published in Herald on Sunday, January 5 2020

Published in Herald on Sunday, January 5 2020

A lot of people take the temperature of their career at this time of year. Career Coach Allison Fisher says the question to ask is, “Is my job a 10/10?

“A rating of 10 means that for the majority of the time, you can say, “I really enjoy my job, I get a lot out of it and can’t see myself leaving for a while”, she explains.

“An eight or nine is fine too, but if your rating is five, then further questions need to be asked.”

“Life is short, so having just an okay job isn’t good enough, says Fisher. “There may be valid reasons not to make a change right now – for instance, you’ve just had a really difficult personal time, or the role you are in makes it possible for you to study. 

“Otherwise find some support to help make the change to a 10.”


Covid 19 & Job Losses