Frequently asked questions

+ Is Life Coaching the same as a Change Coach

Yes, they are the same. I chose to call myself a Change Coach as that's what many of my clients are going through when they seek help. It's all about change, whether it is thinking of a career change, a life change of children leaving home, wanting more confidence, or a relationship break up.


+ How much does it cost to work with you?

There is an hour long online session for $205. A 3 session package for $495 or 6 session package for $795. Click here to find out more.


+ How many sessions will I need?

As you will understand, it depends on where you are at and what you would like to work on. For some, 2 or 3 sessions work out well. For support and to achieve change, others want to book a series of sessions over several months. At first, it is helpful to have 2 or 3 sessions every week to keep focused. Happy to discuss this during your first session or before our first meeting.


+ What do I need to know before we meet for coaching?

Absolutely nothing! I know you have already been doing a lot of thinking, so now it's time to discuss all your thoughts and dreams with someone who will listen and who is independent.


+ Can we meet in person?

With the covid pandemic, I'm not having face to face sessions and not sure when I will recommence those.


+ Are online sessions as good as in-person sessions?

It might surprise you, but I find online sessions just as good! Creating a connection is still great, and I find reading the verbal and non-verbal cues just as good.


+ I still need help, but I'm not quite ready to work with you. Next steps?

Sign up for my fortnightly Moving Forward Tips. You will be updated about webinars and workshops and helpful life tips and tools.


How do I book with you?