Thoughts and musings for when you need them
Sure, there are practical tips and guides in this blog. But it’s also a small place on the internet to come when you’re looking for a way to light your passion, and find purpose with a bit of joy.
Managing Uncertainty
Uncertainty causes us to feel stressed out, and anxious. However there are always ways to fight those feelings of uncertainty. When we use them, we are able to control our responses and resilience.
Finding Your Balance
Finding “the right balance” is an illusion, there is no perfect recipe of how to “have it all”. Instead, what will bring you a sense of balance is acting on your priorities, staying nimble and accepting as those flex and change.
Is the New Normal Still Feeling Abnormal?
Are feelings of stress and anxiety ruling you? Feeling out of control is a common reality for many and it’s been ramping up the last few years especially! Read this post for some tips and tricks you can try today to start mitigating the effects of stress and anxiety in your life.
Handling Post-Holiday Blues
Heading back to work and feeling down about it? You are not alone! It’s completely natural to feel sad about the end of a much-needed break, but we all must go back to our everyday routines eventually. So, how can we bring that holiday feeling into our everyday life?
2022 - Moving Forward
Next year will be different thank goodness! We will be freer (at the latest mid-year) to travel in, around and out of our country. So, we can start thinking about what next and how we want to live next year; begin to shake off what has been a challenging, unnerving and tumultuous year.
You are allowed!
You are Allowed! Some days it’s just hard to get things done isn’t it. Whether it’s a work report, clearing out that cupboard, or finding the motivation to start exercising.
Keeping Sane in Lockdown!
With covid lockdowns, it is what it is folks; we can’t change it! I find it helpful to focus on what I can do as opposed to what I can’t.
Are you feeling stuck in your job?
Are you feeling stuck in your job? Do you lack the confidence to change jobs? Fearful of changing jobs right now?
You know what you want!
Do you notice when there is something you know you want, it’s easier to action?
Just one step
I have a mantra which I say to myself when I’ve got a lot on “Just one step; just right now”.
New Years Resolutions
It's time to talk New Years Resolutions. Yes I know, that it's nearly the end of January …
Covid 19 & Job Losses
Covid 19 coronavirus: Dealing with job loss? Top tips from experts to cushion the fall.
Is my job a 10?
A lot of people take the temperature of their career at this time of year.