What I learned from achieving a dream

I'm feeling incredibly satisfied. After more than two years of work, I have fully completed the 3 courses I set out to create. The topics are Mastering Procrastination, Mastering Boundaries and Living Life with Purpose and Passion. To give you an idea of how big this has been, each course has 6 lessons and 4 to 6 topics within the lessons. Plus, at least one video for each lesson, teaching tools and providing tips. (The videos are the latest additions.)

Writing this feels good because it makes me appreciate what a big project and accomplishment this has been.

These topics are all connected

Why did I write on these topics? Boundaries, procrastination and doing what we love are all connected. We can't create the change we seek or get unstuck if we cannot take action and procrastinate. Putting ourselves first to make what we want in life can be challenging if we don't have clear boundaries. If we compromise too much, we forever put ourselves at the bottom of our life list. Then, to create the change we want, we need to know what makes us smile and what brings joy to our lives.


Has there been self-doubt along the way? Absolutely! But because I knew my why (which is about helping people create change in their lives), I was always motivated. That's the thing, when it's a big dream and will take a while, it's quite natural that self-doubt gets in the way. Yes, sometimes I skived off and watched Netflix or read a book, but I soon realised taking a break is all part of the creating process.

What I learnt

I learnt so much from this process, mainly -

1.      It's okay to take time out. To rest from the doing and creating, whether social media or Netflix.   Because then, I found I returned to my project with renewed energy. I needed the time out to rejuvenate.

2.    That motivation comes from within. I never doubted (well, maybe a bit occasionally) that this was the right thing to do. My vision and intention were strong about why I was doing this.

3.     When I had procrastination (or doubts), I needed to look at my mindset to discover what was happening. If I had negative thoughts, for instance, I can't do this; I had to look underneath to find out what limiting belief was driving this thought.

4. The ups and downs are part of the creative process. Creativity takes time, thinking and contemplation.

5.     Support is essential. I had a coach and mentor, Carmel Cochrane, who gave me advice, guided me when I had the wobbles, and provided strategies to find my way forward.

6.     As long as I had motivation, I knew this was the right thing to do. A helpful check was when friends asked how it was going, and if I said I was struggling, they would ask if I was motivated to continue writing, and the answer was always a resounding yes. If I lacked motivation, I would have known that it wasn't firing me up enough. If I wasn't passionate about it, it wouldn't be right for me to do it.

I hope sharing my experience will help you with any dreams, big or small, you would like to happen in your life.

If you would like to look at my courses, have a look here.



Passion isn't a dirty word. It's just time to face the fear and live your best life.


How to discover your Passions and how that will lead you to your Purpose